Pain can be divided into several categories. Based on the time it lasts, pain can be divided into chronic pain and acute pain. Whereas based on the occurrence process, pain is divided into neuropathic pain, nociceptive pain, and psychogenic pain. All types of pain are different from each other, both from the cause and treatment.
Almost everyone has felt pain from time to time. Pain or pain is the body's way of saying that something is wrong with your body.
Various Types of Pain
Pain is something normal, which can be experienced by anyone. Pain or pain involves complex interactions between the sensory nerves, spinal cord and your brain. You may feel pain when you are struck by a bee sting, broken bones, injuries during exercise, to be caused by certain diseases. Pain that is felt by each person can be different. Based on the time it lasts, pain can be divided into two types, namely:Acute pain
Acute pain is normal pain that warns that you have been injured. For example when you get a burn, or your thumb is hit by a hammer accidentally. Acute pain usually comes suddenly or suddenly, and lasts for a relatively short time.
Chronic pain
Chronic pain is defined as a complaint of pain that lasts for more than 3-6 months, even years after experiencing certain injuries or disorders. This condition generally requires further medical treatment. Someone who experiences chronic pain turns out to be more susceptible to depression and anxiety, compared to people who experience acute pain.
Nociceptive pain
Nociceptive pain occurs when there is damage or injury to your body tissues. Injuries that cause nociceptive pain include bruising, burns, broken bones, and pain caused by sprains.
Psychogenic pain
Psychogenic pain is pain that is influenced by psychological factors. Some types of mental or emotional disorders can cause, aggravate, or prolong this type of pain.
Neuropathic pain
While neuropathic pain arises because of abnormalities in the nerve. Someone who experiences this type of pain will feel a painful sensation along the affected nerve pathway or feel numb or numb.
Neuropathic Pain More Often Experienced
Of the several types of pain that have been described above, apparently neuropathic pain is most often the case. One of them is back pain caused by clamping nerves around the back area. Whatever the cause, nerve pain or neuropathic pain can be a serious condition and can weaken your nerves if not treated immediately. However, if the nerve pain that you experience is still mild, then you can overcome it with drugs that can be bought freely at the pharmacy. Nerve pain medications that you can take should contain at least some of the following ingredients:Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)
Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is a vitamin that can be found in certain types of food, such as cereals, nuts, vegetables, liver, meat, and eggs. Supplements that contain vitamin B6 are used to prevent and treat vitamin B6 deficiency and anemia caused by the condition. In addition, this vitamin is also useful for treating nerve pain.
Vitamin B12
In some cases, nerve pain can be caused or worsened by vitamin B12 deficiency. Therefore, you can try taking drugs with this vitamin to relieve nerve pain. Vitamin B12 can also be obtained naturally by consuming meat, fish, and dairy products.
Paracetamol is a pain reliever that is sold freely in the market, and can be used to relieve nerve pain. However, please note, paracetamol is used to treat mild, occasional nerve pain. Some pain medications combine paracetamol with vitamin B to get maximum results.
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